De Bezige Bij

The Independent en The Telegraph lovend over Bonita Avenue

Bonita Avenue, de succesvolle roman van Peter Buwalda, is lovend besproken door recensent James Kidd van de Engelse krant The Independent: ‘Buwalda knows how to tease his reader with addictive story lines. A considerable achievement for a seasoned writer much less a newcomer, Bonita Avenue is an entertaining end in itself, and evidence that Buwalda is just getting started.’
Lees de volledige recensie hier.

The Telegraph geeft vijf sterren: ‘A Dutch debut that bears comparison with Franzen and Roth.’
Lees de volledige recensie hier.

Ook de Times is enthousiast: ‘This dazzling family saga was a huge hit when it was published in the Netherlands in 2010; critics hailed Buwalda as “The Dutch answer to Jonathan Franzen”, but his brilliance is entirely unique.’

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