Authors / Dyab Abou Jahjah

Dyab Abou Jahjah

Dyab Abou Jahjah

© Koen Broos

Dyab Abou Jahjah (b. 1971) is a Lebanese-born publicist and activist. In the early nineties, he moved to Belgium where he studied political science. In 2000, he founded the Arab European League (AEL), a movement that advocated for the rights of Muslim immigrants and proved to be controversial from the outset. Since 2014, he has been president of Movement X, a civil rights movement that unites immigrants and natives in their ambition to fight against every form of discrimination.

Recent title English material

Pleidooi voor radicalisering (A Case for Radicalisation), 2016

Dyab About Jahjah has written the handbook for a world revolution. – De Morgen

A razor-sharp plea for a better world. – Lex Bohlmeijer, De Correspondent

What he understands under "radicalism" is not jihad or taking up weapons - he calls that “destructive radicalism”. What defines a radical then? A critical attitude to the Western capitalist system, he argues, or “constructive radicalism”. - Trouw

This book is not a reason for rebellion but for protest and discussion, as befits a pamphlet. - NRC Next